Bhubaneswar: Plagarism is not new to literary world. But copying an entire book is perhaps not heard much. This has happened to a book on Indo-anglican author Anita Desai by Odisha-based academician Dr. Ranjita Pati.

Amazone, the global online marketing major has enlisted two books with same title -Representation of Women in Anita Desai’s Novels. The content of the two books is same. Even chapterisatipn is same. But, interestingly, the authors are different. Bhubaneswar -based Ranjita Pati and Paul Cameron of America are the two authors.
Ranjita says she has weitten the book based on the materials she had collected for PhD studies. According to her her book was listed first in Amazone.
“Suddenly, Paul’s book appeared in Amazone’s self. I went through Paul’s book, which is also available in Kindle. Paul’s book is nothing but copy of my book”
“Interiguingly, with the listing of Paul’s book, Amazone reported on line that my book is not available. It has been corrected after I took up the matter with Amazone”
Ranjita says she going to sue the so called author Paul for plagarism.